Actions towards marginalized audiences
Specific programs are offered to "distant" audiences, for example to Personnes Placées Sous Mains de Justice (Persons placed under justice) (PPSMJ) and in Maisons de Lutte Contre le Décrochage Scolaire (Centers for the fight against school dropout) (MLDS).
At the Melun detention center, TRACES offers two cycles of educational actions to PPSMJs around technical creativity on the one hand and critical thinking on the other, with a view to stimulating the capacities for reflection, reflexivity, learning and suspension of judgement.
In the Houses for the Fight against School Dropout, Traces offers young people the opportunity to freely reuse electronic/computer equipment intended for scrap. We don't fix : we take apart and repurpose to build small interactive and artistic things together. One watchword: let your imagination run wild !